March 18, 2020

City of Oakland COVID -19 Resources

Last updated 3/18/20


City of Oakland COVID - 19 Resources

We are living through a public health emergency and following the “shelter in place” guidelines here in the Bay Area. AND we are committed to sharing as much good news and helpful information as possible during this challenging time! Local governments and agencies are providing new services and changing rules to support the community.

Our hearts are warmed by the incredible ways our communities are taking care of each other! Please keep these notices from the City of Oakland in mind to prioritize your and your loved ones’ health and safety:

  • Encampments – Message from City of Oakland:

    • “Building new shelters for all is not the solution — it brings people inside, but it does not end their homelessness. Instead, we are focused on rehousing and making our existing shelters more efficient.

    • The City, in partnership with Alameda County, will be covering nearly double the number of encampment sites—from 20 to 39—at which we will provide toilets, sanitizer, and hand washing stations. We are also adding additional hand sanitizer at the 20 encampments already serviced with toilets and hygiene.

    • The City has doubled resources that have been allocated to keeping encampments sanitary, and the City is working with the county and the Governor’s office, finding motels for that unhoused people would be able to stay in if necessary.”

Check City of Oakland’s website for more updates.

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