Environment. Justice. Community. Rose.

Join us in advancing the people, ideas, and initiatives that propel communities forward.

A group of young people, including a Black woman with long braids, and a while woman with long brown hair, wearing masks and pikcing up garbage with orange grabbers along a coastline on a grey day.

Welcome to Rose.

Together we’re strengthening communities through conservation, environmental justice, consumer rights, and more. Our grantmmaking and capacity-building programs unlock hope and potential for meaningful change.

Applications Open

How We Mobilize Action

Rose’s programs are united by the belief that those closest to the problem are the most equipped to solve it. By redirecting resources to groups representing marginalized populations, we build power where meaningful change originates.

1. Environmental Legal Settlements
4 young men of various races, wearing overalls and carying shovels, posing in a forested setting.
4 young men of various races, wearing overalls and carying shovels, posing in a forested setting.

Directing Remediation Payments Back to Affected Communities

Rose works with the legal community to channel restitution funds back to impacted communities. As the trustee for over 600 such funds, we maximize their reach and impact to protect watersheds, ensure clean air, and mitigate pollution, such as toxins and pesticides. Our extensive field network enables us to reach grantees delivering the greatest benefits to vulnerable populations.

2. Grassroots Environmental Grants
3. Consumer Rights Grants
4. Youth Leadership Program

Success Stories

From local projects to nationwide initiatives, meet the makers of community change.


Pàah Áama

Grantee | Eureka, CA

Pàah Áama connects Native youth in California’s Klamath Basin to their ancestral waterways. Using paddling as a restorative activity and an entry point to activism, the group is preparing participants to paddle the undammed Klamath River from source to sea.

Local Roots. National Reach.

A young person wearing a light jacket and a touque, sitting on a rock in the middle of a lake at dusk, a snow-covered mountain in the background.
$0 M

Rose distributed $7.6 MIL across 22 funds in 2023. The grants we made represented small grassroots grant making, mitigation-powered funds, and donor advised giving.

A group of young people, including a Black woman with long braids, and a while woman with long brown hair, wearing masks and pikcing up garbage with orange grabbers along a coastline on a grey day.
0 +

The number of next generation environmental leaders who are nurtured through touchpoints with our New Voices Are Rising program each year.


Stay Connected

Change is happening! Receive updates on grantee successes, upcoming grants, and opportunities to make a difference. Join our community and be a vital part of the environmental justice movement.

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